Commissioner comments on The Executive Office's leaflet drop in relation to services and financial redress for victims and survivors of non-recent historical institutional childhood abuse

Contact details for COSICA, VSS & HIA Redress Board seeking advice
Contact details for COSICA, VSS & HIA Redress Board seeking advice

Reacting to the publication of a leaflet for every household in Northern Ireland regarding entitlements available to survivors of non-recent historical institutional childhood abuse, Commissioner for Survivors of Institutional Childhood Abuse, Fiona Ryan said:

I know from the conversations I have had with survivors that many still live with trauma of the abuse they experienced as children. Many keep their experiences hidden from even their closest friends and family.”

“My hope is that this initiative by the Executive Office reaches survivors who are unaware or unsure of their entitlements and provides them with the information they need to make informed choices in accessing their entitlements. We are supporting The Executive Office campaign through engaging with survivors who are contacting the Office of the Commissioner seeking information on support, services and financial redress compensation. My Office is continuing, in parallel, an awareness initiative to reach Northern Ireland victims and survivors of non-recent historical institutional childhood abuse who are living outside Northern Ireland so that they too are aware of their entitlements.”