Fiona Ryan, Commissioner
Prior to her appointment, Fiona was the Chief Executive of Sonas Domestic Violence Charity, the largest provider of frontline support services to women and child victims of domestic abuse in Ireland. A member of the monitoring committee of the National Strategy for Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence in the South, she advocated on behalf of victims and monitored government commitments to victims under the strategy. She holds a Masters in Journalism (MAJ) and a Masters in Business Administration (MBA). Fiona is originally from Cork City.
The following team support the Commissioner in carrying out her role under the legislation:
- Head of Corporate Services - Joanne McComb
- Accountant - Lisa McCord
- PA to the Commissioner - Ruth Jordan
- Head of Policy, Research and Engagement - Denise Morgan
- Policy and Engagement - Barry Doherty
- Policy and Engagement - Róise McCann
- Policy and Research - Petra White
- Policy and Research - Eimear Rosato